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Our Programs

​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". ~ Nelson Mandela



Growing Seeds Learning Center is aligned with the State of Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards. 


Standards, Purpose,  and Five Domains                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       



The Standards support the development and well-being of young children to foster their learning.  Ohio’s Early Learning & Development Standards present a continuum of learning and development from birth to age five in each of the five domains:


• Approaches Toward Learning

• Cognition and General Knowledge

• Language and Literacy

• Physical Well-Being and Motor Development

• Social and Emotional Development


Because the infant/toddler years are marked by rapid developmental change, the Standards are divided into three meaningful transitional periods: Infants (birth to around 8 months), Young Toddlers (6 to around 18 months), and Older Toddlers (16 to around 36 months). The Standards

during the pre-kindergarten years (3-5 years), describe those developmental skills and concepts children should know and be able to do at the end of their pre-kindergarten experience.


Organization of the Standards


The Standards within each domain are organized according to strands: the developmental or conceptual components within each domain. Each strand contains one or more topics, the area of focus within each strand, and the standard statements: those concepts and skills children should know and be able to do for the different age groups.


Some topics reflect learning and development across the birth-to-five continuum, with Standards for all age levels: infants, young toddlers, older toddlers, and Pre-K, while other topics pertain only to a specific age.


For example, some knowledge and skills – the ability to identify and describe shapes or skills related to social studies and science – emerge in preschool. Topics that address those competencies include Standards only at the Pre-K level. Other topics such as Self Comforting and Social Identity have Standards only at the infant-toddler levels, because these foundational skills developed during the early years lead to more specific competencies at the preschool level. Each domain also contains a Learning and Development Progression which shows at a glance what skills are developed by children and when.


To learn more and download all five domains, please visit

Our Programs

Sunflower Close Up

Sunflower Seeds

Six Weeks - 18 months

The focus of the infant program is to foster the development of basic trust and to assist the emerging personality by supporting the developing sense of self as a unique and separate individual. 

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Red Apple

Apple Seeds 

3 - 5 years

The focus of the Preschool Program is to prepare each child for kindergarten.

Seasonal Pumpkins

Pumpkin Seeds 

18 months - 3 years

The focus of the Toddler Program is to meet their busy needs!  Toddlers are very inquisitive and want to explore and interact with everything and everyone. 

Accepting Applications

Accepting Applications

Accepting Applications

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